Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Hostel Management System Visual Basic Project Report for MCA Students

Introduction to Hostel Management System Visual Basic Project:


Hostel management using a manual system is an onerous and time consuming process involving heavy workload. In the proposed system, one can easily manage the various functions of a hotel in an efficient manner. Things like, hostel details, student records, mess expenditure can be calculated and allocated in an optimized manner. The key feature of this project is to easily allocate rooms and expenditures of a student. The front end of the project has been created using Visual Basic and the back end using Oracle. 
Hostel management deals with the many functions of a hostel, namely: student details, room allocation, mess expenditure, etc. the system also includes a few special features such as creating unique identities for each members so student details can be accessed easily. This system can also be used for stock management. The modules of this project include: student details, attendance details, room details, mess modules. Things like, hostel details, student records, mess expenditure may be calculated associated allotted in an optimized manner. The key feature of this project is to simply portion rooms and expenditures of a student. 
The front end tool used for this system is visual Basic 6.0, and the back end tool being used is Oracle. Visual Basic is a very useful and powerful program, application wizards, menu editors and data reports give it an edge when creating high quality professional software.
Things like, hostel details, student records, mess expenditure will be calculated associate degrees allotted in an optimized manner. The key feature of this project is to simply apportion rooms and expenditures of a student. This system may be used for stock management. The system additionally includes a number of special options like making distinctive identities for every member thus student details will be accessed simply. The input quality of this mission is to simply assign quarters and expenditures of learner. 
Download  Hostel Management System Visual Basic Project Report for MCA Students.
------------- reference http://1000projects.org  ---------------------------------

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