/* HEAP.C */
# include<stdio.h>
void heap_sort(int *, int );
void create_heap(int *, int);
void display(int *, int);
/* Definition of the function */
void create_heap(int list[], int n )
int k, j, i, temp;
for(k = 2 ; k <= n; ++k)
i = k ;
temp = list[k];
j = i / 2 ;
while((i > 1) && (temp > list[j]))
list[i] = list[j];
i = j ;
j = i / 2 ;
if ( j < 1 )
j = 1 ;
list[i] = temp ;
/* End of heap creation function */
/* Definition of the function */
void heap_sort(int list[], int n)
int k, temp, value, j, i, p;
int step = 1;
for(k = n ; k >= 2; --k)
temp = list[1] ;
list[1] = list[k];
list[k] = temp ;
i = 1 ;
value = list[1];
j = 2 ;
if((j+1) < k)
if(list[j+1] > list[j])
j ++;
while((j <= ( k-1)) && (list[j] > value))
list[i] = list[j];
i = j ;
j = 2*i ;
if((j+1) < k)
if(list[j+1] > list[j])
if( j > n)
j = n ;
list[i] = value;
} /* end of while statement */
printf("\n Step = %d ", step);
for(p = 1; p <= n; p++)
printf(" %d", list[p]);
} /* end for loop */
/* Display function */
void display(int list[], int n)
int i;
for(i = 1 ; i <= n; ++ i)
printf(" %d", list[i]);
/* Function main */
void main()
int list[100];
int i, size = 13 ;
printf("\n Size of the list: %d", size);
for(i = 1 ; i <= size ; ++i)
list[i] = rand() % 100;
printf("\n Entered list is as follows:\n");
display(list, size);
create_heap(list, size);
printf("\n Heap\n");
display(list, size);
printf("\n\n Sorted list is as follows :\n\n");
1 comments : on " HEAP SORT "
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